Procedure Library

- XLogo


This section contains libraries of common procedures which are used throughout the programs on this site. They are divided into Arcs, Colors, Lists, Maths, Recursive and Shapes.
In this site, the 'To' and 'End' lines appear with a gray background to identify the procedure as a common library item.
Some also have a Test procedure to make checking easier.

You can keep these procedures in a special Start Up file. They are automatically loaded and available for use when XLogo starts up. In which case, they are called 'Pseudo Primitives' as they cannot be edited within XLogo.

Download complete library of these procedures.

Set defaults for a new drawing. This ensures programs will always work in exactly the same way. Avoid CS, as it uses screen and pen color preferences that are different for each user.
Used in all programs!

To New
  # set default screen, pen and turtle values
  ResetAll SetScreenSize [400 400] HideTurtle
  SetSC Black SetPC Green SetPS 1 PenUp

Draw a simple arrow head, usually at the end of a line.

To Arrow :Size
  # draw simple end-of-line arrow (tp)
  Left 15 Back :Size PenDown
  Forward :Size Right 30 Back :Size
  PenUp Forward :Size Left 15

Uses a nested loop to step through successive column by row grid positions. Interchangeable with GridSq below.
Used in Chessboard, Bulge, Fraser, Seaweed and Scintillate.

To GridSq :Order :Side
  # draw tile at each column x row position
  LocalMake "Offset (1+:Order)/2
  For (List "Col 1 :Order) [
    For (List "Row 1 :Order) [
      SetXY :Side*(:Col-:Offset) :Side*(:Row-:Offset)
      Tile :Col :Row :Side] ]

Draw tiles randomly, by picking a random position from a list of all positions. Interchangeable with GridSq above.
Used in Tile Array and Tile Pattern.

To GridSq :Order :Side
  # draw tile at each column x row position
  LocalMake "Offset (1+:Order)/2
  LocalMake "Ps [] LocalMake "Total :Order*:Order
  Repeat :Total [Make "Ps LPut RepCount :Ps]
  Repeat :Total [
    LocalMake "P Pick :Ps
    LocalMake "Ps Remove :P :Ps
    LocalMake "Col 1+Mod :P-1 :Order
    LocalMake "Row 1+Int (:P-1)/:Order
    SetXY :Side*(:Col-:Offset) :Side*(:Row-:Offset)
    Tile :Col :Row :Side]

Make GridSq relative by changing the last 3 lines to

    rSetXY :Side*(:Col-:Offset) :Side*(:Row-:Offset)
    Tile :Col :Row :Side
    rSetXY Minus :Side*(:Col-:Offset) Minus :Side*(:Row-:Offset) ]

Uses a nested loop to step through successive column by row grid positions. Seperate Horizontal and Vertical values of Order are used, allowing a rectangular grid.
Used in ChequerGrid, RGB Swatch

To GridRect :OrderH :OrderV :SqSize
  # draw tile at each column x row grid position
  LocalMake "OffsetH (1+ :OrderH) /2
  LocalMake "OffsetV (1+ :OrderV) /2
  LocalMake "SideH :SqSize /:OrderH
  LocalMake "SideV :SqSize /:OrderV
  For (List "Col 1 :OrderH) [
    For (List "Row 1 :OrderV) [
      SetXY :SideH*(:Col-:OffsetH) :SideV*(:Row-:OffsetV)
      Tile :Col :Row :SideH :SideV] ]

Draw a series of horizontal and vertical lines to form a grid of grout lines between square tiles.
Used in 15 Puzzle.

To Grout :Size :Order
  # draw centred square grid with :order divisions
  SetPC [64 64 64] SetPW 1
  For (List "Point 0 :Size+1 :Size/:Order) [
    SetXY :Point-:Size/2 :Size/2 SetH 180
    PenDown Forward :Size PenUp
    SetXY :Size/2 :Point-:Size/2 SetH 270
    PenDown Forward :Size PenUp Wait 2]

Turtles don't normally jump, but if they did, they would jump to a random position within a square area of side :Side.
Used in DemoStar, Dots, Shapes and WireShapes.

To Jump :Side
  # set turtle to random position within square of size side
  SetXY (Random :Side) - :Side/2 (Random :Side) - :Side/2

Move turtle to new XY position relative to current position. Turtle heading remains unchanged.

To rSetXY :DistX :DistY
  # set turtle XY position relative to current position
  Right 90 Forward :DistX
  Left 90 Forward :DistY

Label titles in each corner of the screen. Titles is a list of upto 4 items. An empty list labels nothing.
Used in Ring Wave.

To Title :Titles
  # label up to 4 titles
  SetPC White Repeat Count :Titles [
    Home Right (RepCount*90) -135 Forward 262 SetH 0
    If X>0 [SetFontJustify [2 1]] [SetFontJustify [0 1]]
    Label Item RepCount :Titles]

Allow the user to select items from a list of possible items. Each item is listed with a numerical key to select.
No selection (just hit return key) selects all items. User can enter item numbers with no spaces (eg 135) if all item numbers less than 9. Selecting items outside the range will return an error.
Returns user selection as a list of items.
Used in Ring Wave.

To Ask :Items
  # return list of user selected items
  LocalMake "Say List "Select: [_ all]
  Repeat Count :Items [
    LocalMake "Say LPut List RepCount (Item RepCount :Items) :Say]
  Read :Say "Input
  If :Input = " [Print "all Output ButFirst ButFirst :Say]       # all if no entry
  LocalMake "Selection []
  ForEach "ItemNo :Input [
    LocalMake "Selection LPut (Item :ItemNo+2 :Say) :Selection]
  Print :Selection Output :Selection

Allow the user to select items from a list of possible items. Each item is listed with a numerical key to select.
No selection (just hit return key) selects all items. User can enter item numbers with no spaces (eg 135) if all item numbers less than 9. Selecting items outside the range will return an error.
Returns user selection as a numercal list, with duplicate entries removed.
Used in Platonic Solid.

To Ask2 :Items
  # return numerical list of user selected items, duplicates removed
  LocalMake "Say [Select: _all] LocalMake "All []
  Repeat Count :Items [
    LocalMake "Say LPut (Word RepCount "_ Item RepCount :Items) :Say
    LocalMake "All LPut RepCount :All]
  Read :Say "Input
  If :Input = " [Print "all Output :All]       # all if no entry
  LocalMake "Selection []
  ForEach "ItemNo :Input [
    If Not Member :ItemNo :Selection [
      LocalMake "Selection LPut :ItemNo :Selection] ]
  Print :Selection Output :Selection






