
- XLogo code

There are several ways to run the programs from this site.

Copy and Paste

  1. In your browser, click and drag with the mouse to highlight all the code.
  2. Copy the selected text to the clipboard. Use the browser menu or keyboard shortcut.
  3. Switch to XLogo and open the Editor window by clicking on the editor button.
  4. Paste the text into the editor. Use the XLogo Paste button or keyboard shortcut.
  5. Close the Editor window. If an error is reported, check you have copied all the code correctly.
  6. Type in the run instruction into the XLogo Command line and press the keyboard 'Return' key. The program will run and the resulting graphic drawn.

File Tab, Copy and Paste

  1. Select the 'File' tab just below the code area. The program is displayed in a new page which makes selecting easier.
  2. Copy and paste as per the instructions above.

File Tab, Download

  1. Use the 'File' tab to download the XLogo file to your computer.
       Mac: 'Ctrl click' the file tab, and choose 'Save linked file as...'
       PC: 'Right click' the file tab, and choose 'Save target as...'
  2. Switch to XLogo and choose 'Open' from the menu. Navigate to the downloaded file and open in the Editor.
  3. Close the Editor window.
  4. Click the XLogo play button to run the program automatically.
  5. Or, type in the run instruction into the XLogo Command line and press the keyboard 'Return' key.


  1. Press the 'On Line' tab and the XLogo applet will automatically download from the web and load in the program code.
  2. Click the XLogo play button to run the program automatically.
  3. Or, type in the run instruction into the XLogo Command line and press the keyboard 'Return' key.

Further on-line programs will open in a new XLogo window. As they do not need to download the applet again, they will open much faster.

Elastic Grid

Procedures blue
Variables pink
Comments green
Library gray