XLogo Demos

- getting started


To run any of these programs:-

1/ Hi-light all the code in the yellow box (click and drag with your mouse).

2/ Copy the code (select Copy from your browser Edit menu).

3/ Switch to XLogo and open the Editor window (click the Editor button).

4/ Paste in the code (click the Paste button).

5/ Save and close the Editor (click the triangle button).

6/ Type 'go' in the command line and press <Enter>. XLogo will run the program.

Draw a chessboard.

Clover Leaf/Wave
Draw a clover leaf or wave shape.

Five Star
Nested series of 5 pointed stars.

Lens shapes.

Randoml pebble shapes.

Please Wait
Randomly generated computer excuses.

A set of nested polygons.

Six colored arcs.

Random Lines
A dozen random lines with co-ordinate labels.

Screen Saver
A couple of large graphic stars in a night sky.

A couple of large graphic stars in a night sky.

Star Shapes
Star outline shape.

Demo Star
Demo Star